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Deduplicate joins

When building dynamic queries, you sometimes end up in situations where the same join could be added twice. Consider this query:

async function getPerson(
id: number,
withPetName: boolean,
withPetSpecies: boolean
) {
return await db
.$if(withPetName, (qb) =>
.innerJoin('pet', 'pet.owner_id', '')
.select(' as pet_name')
.$if(withPetSpecies, (qb) =>
.innerJoin('pet', 'pet.owner_id', '')
.select('pet.species as pet_species')
.where('', '=', id)

We have two optional selections pet_name and pet_species. Both of them require the pet table to be joined, but we don't want to add an unnecessary join if both withPetName and withPetSpecies are false.

But if both withPetName and withPetSpecies are true, we end up with two identical joins which will cause an error in the database.

To prevent the error from happening, you can install the DeduplicateJoinsPlugin. You can either install it globally by providing it in the configuration:

const db = new Kysely<Database>({
plugins: [new DeduplicateJoinsPlugin()],

or you can use it when needed:

async function getPerson(
id: number,
withPetName: boolean,
withPetSpecies: boolean
) {
return await db
.withPlugin(new DeduplicateJoinsPlugin())
.$if(withPetName, (qb) =>
.innerJoin('pet', 'pet.owner_id', '')
.select(' as pet_name')
.$if(withPetSpecies, (qb) =>
.innerJoin('pet', 'pet.owner_id', '')
.select('pet.species as pet_species')
.where('', '=', id)

You may wonder why this is a plugin and not the default behavior? The reason is that it's surprisingly difficult to detect if two joins are identical. It's trivial for simple joins like the ones in the example, but becomes quite complex with arbitrary joins with nested subqueries etc. There may be corner cases where the DeduplicateJoinsPlugin fails and we don't want it to affect people that don't need this deduplication (most people).

See this recipe if you are wondering why we are using the if method.